The Classroom

A Montessori classroom is built on five core principles.

Montessori Teachers as Guides

Trained Montessori teachers will provide demonstrations to students on how to do their works and then step back to allow the students to explore the materials on their own.

Guide reading to two students

Multi‐Age Classroom

Students in a Montessori environment are grouped together within a 3‐year age range. The multi‐age classroom allows students to learn from their peers at younger ages and step into mentoring roles as they become the oldest students in their classes.

Four children chasing bubbles in a school yard

Montessori Materials

The guides carefully prepare the classroom environment with activities that isolate the particular skills on which the students are working and encourage independent learning. Montessori materials tend to engage the senses and are often tactile in nature.

Abacus work

Child-Led Work

The students are encouraged to explore materials at their own paces and according to their own interests. The guides are there to redirect and provide assistance as necessary.

Child reading

Uninterrupted Work Periods

Students are provided with long periods of uninterrupted work time, ideally about 2 hours. While this may seem like a long time for children to remain focused, most children quickly adapt to this routine and easily fill the hours with their own important work.